Sarah’s Mission Call!

SARAH GOT HER MISSION CALL TODAY!!!!  We were SO excited!  She set up a time tonight where she had all of her friends over to her apartment (it was packed), and we got on Skype to watch her open her call.  She was very emotional as she opened it…  California Ventura Spanish-Speaking!  She couldn’t have been more excited!  She really wanted to speak Spanish and now she has the opportunity!  Since we couldn’t be there in person, we had to take a picture of her with her call on the computer!  🙂

We are so proud of her!  Everyone there in her apartment was jumping and screaming!  Lisa was there with Tommy and the noise scared him so bad he started crying.  How cute!  🙂  After all this excitement and wait, she finally knows where she’s going!  She’ll go into the MTC in Provo on May 8th!  That’s going to be a crazy time between when she comes home from school and when she goes into the MTC!  We will only have about 10 days or so!  Yikes!

Congratulations, Sarah!  You’ll do GREAT!