B-Ball, Crazy Sweaters, and Parade

Today was one busy day!  Zach and Kirstyn started out the day with their basketball games.  Both of them won!  Zach got his Basketball pictures as well.

Zach and Kirstyn then helped out Anderson’s bookstore in an annual parade (not 100% sure but it was something about a Christmas kick-off).  🙂  They had a blast, and they each got a gift certificate for helping out!

Angela and I then went for the evening to the Byer’s home (some friends of ours) for an ugly sweater party.  It was really fun and we got to know them better as well as a bunch of other people from our Stake.  The food was great and so was the company.  We played all sorts of get to know you and team games.  There were some real ugly sweaters down there.  Angela thought she had it in the bag, but she got beat out.  🙂