Party Day #2

Today was a really busy party day as well!  Salmon had their Salmon River Days 4th of July parade today so we went to that.  It was pretty busy, and at this time of the year, I swear, the town doubles in size.  🙂  The parade was fun to watch.  It’s a very small town parade with lots of horses, tractors, demolition derby cars, stuff like that.  It’s no where near the “commercialized” versions of the parades we have out in Chicago, which was a breath of fresh air.  🙂

After the parade, we wandered around main street and enjoyed the festivities.  Zach got to learn how to be a detective and fingerprint people, there were a lot of local things for sale, and Angela enjoyed a quilt show (not Zach’s, mine, or Ben’s cup of tea, but she liked it).  🙂  The quilt show was in the room where we had our wedding reception up in Salmon over 21 years ago!!!  I had to take a picture of Angela outside the building for posterity’s sake.  She’s even more beautiful now than she was then!  🙂

After we tired ourselves out from all that, we went over to David and Gina’s house for a fun-filled afternoon of food and water.  It’s Gina’s birthday today and to celebrate, they had turned their backyard into a water park.

Everyone totally wore themselves out getting wet, playing volleyball and football, and eating a ton of great food!  David and Gina have a GREAT yard that’s really big, and Angela was totally jealous!  She’s always wanting more yard and where we live now, it’s not too likely.  With every square foot of house and yard, the property taxes go through the roof.  🙁

We’re really tired now so it’s off to bed!