Father’s and Son’s and Mitzvah Ceremonies!

Last night, the boys and I went to the annual father’s and son’s campout!  We had a GREAT time and the boys really enjoyed being with their dad.  We always go to the Blackwell Forest Preserve, and as you can tell by the pictures below, it’s quite the groomed camping area!  🙂

True to tradition, we went and got KFC to eat for dinner.  That’s real camping!  🙂  It’s funny to have grown up going to father’s and son’s and cooking over the campfire (tinfoil dinners, etc.) but here, everyone goes out to KFC, Subway, Burger King, etc.   We played frisbee and tossed around footballs for awhile and when it started getting dark and the boys were tired, we went into the tent and (also true to tradition), pulled out my laptop, broke out the junk food, and watched a DVD until the food was gone and we fell asleep!  🙂

We got up early this morning and ate breakfast.  The bishopric cooks breakfast for everyone, so the boys ran around and had fun while I helped cook sausage, eggs, pancakes, etc.  We ate until we were stuffed and then packed up the tent and left.

We got home, got cleaned up, and then Angela, the girls, and I went to the neighbor twins’ Mitzvah ceremonies at the Jewish temple in Aurora.  That was a VERY interesting experience.  Almost the whole thing was done in Hebrew and we didn’t understand a thing (at least I didn’t).  I did get to wear a skull cap, however, and I got to keep it!  🙂  The service was almost 3 hours.  I can now say I have found a church that meets as long as we do!  🙂  After the ceremony, they had a luncheon with traditional foods and it was really good.  We congratulated the kids and came back home where we relaxed for the rest of the day.  🙂