Leadership Re-Connect – Day 1

Today I had an absolutely wonderful day!  We held day 1 of a 2-day Regional Leadership Forum (RLF) Re-connect with a bunch of the folks from our group.  We had 8 or 9 people there and we met at the Eaglewood Resort in Elgin.  We read a fascinating book on leadership called It’s Your Ship from Captain D. Michael Abrashoff of the US Navy.  We had an in-depth discussion of the book, and had some other activities where we sat and discussed what was going on in our lives and such.

After we had our serious activities for the day, we all went over to Chicago Motor Sports and played Whirlyball for a couple of hours.  We had a blast.  It brought back memories from our second session of RLF when the whole group went there and had a blast.

It was really great to see the folks who came.  We all wished there was more, but for those who did attend, we really had a great time catching up and enjoying each other’s company.  Tomorrow we will proceed with day 2 and Cliff (the facilitator from our session) will be there.