Audition, Clue, and Driving!

Today was a pretty busy day!  Kirstyn (in addition to basketball practice) had auditions for the school musical.  She is very excited for these and has been practicing like crazy.  She really felt bad last year after not making it and is determined that this year, she will be in it.  She is (as are we) concerned that the basketball participation may inhibit her ability to make it (due to conflicting schedules) but we’ll keep our fingers crossed.

Brittany went out driving this afternoon for one of her last driving sessions with the school.  She is so excited and is getting much better at driving than when she first started.  I am finally starting to feel comfortable riding in the car with her…  🙂

Tonight at the church, we had a combined young men/young women activity called Human Clue.  Sarah was in charge of the refreshments.  They ended up having a french fry bar which was really cool!  The Human Clue theme was around the Book of Mormon and so the classrooms the teams of kids visited were Book of Mormon places, the people in the rooms were Book of Mormon characters, and the weapons were Book of Mormon or ancient weapons.  It was a LOT of fun.

The refreshments were great too!  Sarah titled it a “NeFry Bar.”  🙂

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture of the table fully loaded.  It was really cool with all the fries out on the table, the cheese, and all the other things.  Great job Sarah!