Monthly Archives: May 2011

AP Calculus Test

Today Sarah took her AP Calculus Test!  She felt VERY good about it and hopes to get a strong 4 if not a 5.  We’ll keep our fingers crossed!  She should get some good college credit out of this one!

By |2011-06-15T07:35:05-07:00May 4th, 2011|School|0 Comments

20 Years!!!

Today marks the BIG 20 year mark for  Angela and me!  Wow!  How time has flown.  It seems like yesterday that we got married, and now it’s been 20 years, 5 kids later, and a few gray hairs.  OK, more than a few gray hairs…  🙂  We are planning a 20th anniversary get-away when we go out as a family to Utah this summer.  That said, tonight, we took the kids to Chick-Fil-A and then went to Kirstyn’s middle school band concert!  🙂

We saw a few people at Chick-Fil-A that we knew and when we told them why we were there, they thought we were nuts!  🙂  The kids loved it and Zach got his picture taken with the cow…

After filling up, we went over to Kirstyn’s band concert.  She did a GREAT job!  I liked that as an anniversary activity!  Dinner and a fine concert!  🙂

Kirstyn is coming along in band.  She practices probably better than her sisters and loves playing music.  🙂  Keep up the great work Kirstyn!

By |2011-06-15T07:28:22-07:00May 3rd, 2011|Home Life, School|0 Comments

AP Psychology Test

Today Sarah took her AP Psychology Test!  Let’s hope all the studying paid-off!  🙂  She didn’t think it was too hard, but has no idea on how she may have done.  We’re all keeping our fingers crossed!

By |2011-06-15T07:12:54-07:00May 2nd, 2011|School|0 Comments

Teacher Appreciation Night

Tonight, we had our 7th (I think) annual Teacher Appreciation night!  Brittany and Zach had school teachers there, and Brittany and Sarah had one of their Seminary teachers there.  It was a crazy time and we wish that more teachers could have come, but we had a great time!  We had dinner for them, and then after that, the kids each presented their teacher(s) with a poem or other sort of work to honor them.

We then had cake (above), chatted for awhile longer, and sent them on their way with a hanging flower basket as a gift.  We LOVE doing this and look forward to each year when the time comes.  It’s actually kind-of funny because we have had so many teachers over throughout the years, that there are some who ask us when it’s coming up and “hint” at how much they loved the evening and appreciated the gesture from our family!  🙂

Thank you to all who came and to all those teachers who influence our children’s lives for good!  You deserve WAY more kudos than you get!

By |2011-06-15T07:11:33-07:00May 1st, 2011|School|0 Comments