Labor Day Parade!

Today Sarah and Brittany marched in the Naperville Labor Day Parade!  It was great to see both of them in the band.  Brittany carried the state flag, and Sarah played her flute.  It was a perfect day for the parade!  Not to hot and not too cold, and it didn’t rain like it did for the Memorial Day parade.

Kirstyn, Zach, and Ben had a GREAT time watching the parade and cheered loud for their sisters when they came by!  I wish I would also have been able to get a video of the turn that they do at the corners!  It’s a square turn with a weave that looks really cool and VERY professional!

The little ones loved the parade.  One of their favorite things (other than seeing their sisters march and other friends dance and march) was the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile!

We came home with a ton of candy (even after the kids at a ton while watching the parade), so our lunch was actually pretty small.  🙂  We relaxed the rest of the day and just enjoyed the down time!