Feed My Starving Children

Today, we had a church service project at Feed My Starving Children.  We signed up for two 2-hour sessions and our ward needed to provide 180 people to work packing meals for starving children around the globe. (90 people in each session).  Angela signed me, Sarah, and Kirstyn up for both sessions (9:00am-11:00am and 11:30am-1:30pm).  She signed herself up for the morning session while Brittany watched Ben, and then swapped with Brittany for the second session.  We were very worried that we wouldn’t have enough people to fill the sessions.  Only 2 weeks ago, we only had about 46 signed up for each.  Everyone invited their friends and neighbors, however, and we ended up having 92 people for the first session, and 98 people for the second session.

We had a blast!  During the first session, we packed 90 boxes of meals, which fed 53 children for an entire year!  The second session we were bound and determined to outdo the first session.  We ended up packaging 112 boxes which fed 66 kids for a year.  Overall, in both sessions, we packed 202 boxes with 43,632 meals, which would feed 119 kids for an entire year!

We really love doing this as an activity!  Brittany (as in an earlier post) came here for her birthday, and has done so a couple times in the past few years.  The Metea Marching Band will be there on Monday doing it again!  Overall, our family has been involved quite a bit in the past month!