Sarah Pep Band and Brittany Concert

Today was a busy day in the world of music in our family.  Sarah played in the pep band for the girls basketball game (Metea vs. Waubonsie).  She had a blast and it was even better that Metea won by 1 point!  🙂  Sorry, don’t have a good picture of her playing!  🙁

While Sarah was playing and Angela was at the high school watching her, I got Brittany to her concert at Still Middle School.  Angela and Sarah arrived just in time to enjoy watching the 8th Grade chorus, band, and orchestra concert as well.  They did a  GREAT job!  Brittany both sang and played her violin.

We love to hear the girls play their music both in and out of the house.  It brings a peaceful feeling to our home when they are all practicing and making beautiful music.  🙂