Young Women in Excellence

YWIE-1Tonight Sarah and Brittany had their Young Women in  Excellence program.  What a wonderful program!   The cultural hall at the church was decorated to the hilt and on the walls, each girl had a side-view of their silhouette.  We all had to go around and match these to their names.  It was very interesting and fun!  🙂  They hold this every year and the young women in our ward look forward it.  They seem to always outdo themselves from one year to the next.


Sarah and Brittany both had parts on the program describing one of the young women values.  They also brought displays to show things they have been working on to demonstrate the young women values.  Sarah’s display outlined her participation and in the Metea Marching Band and her leadership role.  Brittany’s display outlined her participation in the Aurora Leadership Institute last summer and some of the things she learned along the way.  Unfortunately, I forgot the camera, so the pictures we took had to be taken without flash from my phone.  Sorry for the grainy, yucky pictures!  The lights in the room were turned down very low for ambiance I guess.


We went home full of a great experience and cheesecake for dessert!  🙂