Cross Country, Huck Finn Debate, and IMEA…

Brittany had a good run today in the Aurora “City of Lights” tournament with multiple school districts participating.  They ran all the 7th and 8th grade girls together.  Still Middle School’s 7th grade girls took 1st, 2nd, and 4th overall and beat everyone by a huge margin.  Brittany came in 57th of 230 runners.  She felt much better than she did yesterday during her meet where she was sick to her stomach before even running.


Brittany with some of her cross country teammates/friends.

Sarah is very glad to be done with her day today!  They had a tough debate today in English where they had to argue whether or not Huck Finn by Mark Twain should be banned from schools or not.  She was assigned to be an attorney to argue that the book should be banned.  The judges there were a couple members of the community, a member of the school board, and the principal from Neuqua High School.  Unfortunately, their side lost (as did all the debates arguing against Huck Finn).  It was a tough argument, but they had a good time doing it.

Sarah also auditioned today for IMEA (Illinois Music Educator’s Association) participation.  She said she played her flute selections pretty well and so now we just wait and see if she made it.  It’s a VERY tough competition.  Brittany made it as a member of Honors Chorus, but unfortunately, she didn’t make it with her violin.  Maybe next year.  The main reason they audition is for experience.