Sarah in the Naperville Labor Day Parade!

Today we had a great day going to the Naperville Labor Day Parade and watching Sarah march for the first time in full uniform with the Metea Marching Mustangs!  Angela went over early to the High School with Sarah to help everyone get their uniforms out and organized.  It couldn’t have been a more perfect day for a parade… not too hot and not cold like some others have been!


LaborDayParade-2The Marching Mustangs were near the front of the parade, and even though they only have freshmen and sophomores and 57 band members, they looked VERY sharp!  They even looked better than some of the other high schools in the parade that have all 4 years and much more practice!  🙂

Sarah looked very good as a marching leader and her line at the very front of the group was straight as an arrow and very professional!  As they were marching by, a couple of the moms that were helping grabbed Angela to join in and help with water, etc. so Angela walked with the band in the parade for a little while (mostly to watch their cool turn around the corners) and then came back to sit with us again.

After the parade, we picked up Sarah at the high school and then we went out to eat at CiCi’s Pizza and pigged out on all-you-can-eat pizza, pasta, salad and dessert.  Remember that, Carmen?  🙂  After that, we were so full, that we all came home and took a nap.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning house and doing yardwork.  The yard looks soooo much better now that I finally did some trimming and weed spraying!  🙂